20 Apr, 2024

7 Animal-inspired jewellery that every fashionista must own

We fashionista’s want to stay ahead of the trend. From Headbands to boho jewellery we want to have everything that the world has to offer. Then, why stay behind when it comes to fashionable Animal-inspired jewellery. Over the years we have seen tremendous growth in the popularity of animal-inspired jewellery. Some of us wear it […]

5 mins read

Coorg: A Land of Adventure and Beauty

Coorg, the Scotland of India, is probably the best spot where you can loosen up yourself. Beautiful Coorg is for nature and experience darlings. On the off chance that you are a photograph buff or nature darling, Coorg is the spot you ought to visit. There are various retreats in Coorg that offers world-class offices […]

5 mins read

10 Best Places to Visit in Kerala

1) Alleppey – Kerala’s excellently-known backwater target It’s most popular for houseboat goes along the provincial Kerala backwaters, Alleppey is a champion among the most basic voyager centers in the states, with a significant arrangement of inland conduits obtaining it the sobriquet “Venice of the east”. These far-reaching arrangements of channels give Alleppey its lifeline. […]

8 mins read