24 Apr, 2024

8 Jewellery Storage hacks and ideas every woman should know.

Jewelry is known for its beauty, luxurious and intricate designs, however, it can be difficult to store due to which many pieces can get damaged. These stunning pieces of jewelry can also be fragile and cause unnecessary damage if it is not stored properly. It is also important not to forget to protect your precious […]

6 mins read

Ways to Participate in Fashion Revolution

The fashion revolution defines an organic connection between nature and human beings, favoring the change in global fashion trends and human rights. It is a global campaign focusing on looking beyond the label, thinking about ethical fashion, and asking #WhoMadeMyFabric. By embracing this hashtag, they focus on the popular and leading ethnic brands aligned with the 2021 […]

5 mins read

10 Most Famous Spiritual Places in India

Our country India manifests a diversity that’s truly intriguing. People of various cultural backgrounds and faiths live together in India and form the most kaleidoscopic cultural mosaic. The Northern part of India vividly exhibits various relics from our glorious, ancient past. North India is dotted with numerous magnificent temples and monuments – Famous Spiritual Places […]

7 mins read

Send Happy Diwali Wishes and Greeting to your Friends and Family

Diwali is a sign of lights of happiness and joy. Hindu celebrate Diwali in memory of return Goddess Rama and Goddess Sita to Ayodhya. It is also celebrated as the Hindu’s New Year. Diwali is the festival of lights, people buy new clothes and accessories, also décor their homes with new stuff. They meet their […]

4 mins read

Pick Out from Best Fragrances for Her

Walking through the aisles of perfume, sniffing at every single fragrance can be intimidating. With every tester, you get even more confused and find it difficult to choose the right and Best Fragrances for Her. And if you are a fragrance-sensitive person, picking the right perfume can turn your life into a living nightmare. So, […]

10 mins read