27 Apr, 2024

How to pick the right hair extensions by pretty women?

The woman’s hair is without a doubt her crowning beauty, as it makes her feel attractive, enhances her general confidence, and improves the quality of her life. What if you have short hair and have always wished for long hair? Getting a clip-in hair extension is the easiest solution! However, combing through the color options […]

4 mins read

Get Rid Of Dandruff With Dandruff Natural Remedies: Use Jiva Offers For Discount

An itchy scalp and flakiness are the trademark symptoms of this ailment, but it may also make other signs like oily patches on the scalp and tingling surface & recommending the Dandruff Natural Remedies. There are many products available to get cleared of Dandruff, and you can find them all on Jiva. You can get […]

9 mins read

How can I speed up hair growth after hair transplant?

Hair transplant is widely considered as a long-term or permanent solution to cover extensive hair loss. This hair restoration procedure involves transferring the hair follicles from a donor site (such as the back of the scalp) to the recipient site (where the hair loss is extensive). You must learn about hair growth after hair transplant, […]

5 mins read

Some home remedies for hair growth

Frankly, there have been times when I would lose a gigantic measure of hair, and furthermore, the new development would simply drop out or not develop past a couple of centimeters. Those occasions were sad, yet I didn’t surrender. I additionally understood that the strength of hair is interlinked with numerous variables & learned remedies […]

7 mins read

Cheap Hair Accessories you can’t Miss

Introduction Nowadays, hair accessories have become an indispensable fashion accessory for women’s styling. Different hair accessories can be matched with different hairstyles. You may sometimes wonder how to fix your hair using simple but elegant hair accessories and affordable. Here are samples of cheap hair accessories for you. Hair Bow A big hair bow can […]

4 mins read

Simple Hair Care & Hair Styling Tips Every Woman Should Follow

Hair styling is what everybody loves to do. Whether your hair is curly, thin, dry or oily, certain hair styling tips work on all hair types. While following your hair care routine you can adopt these styling tips to create a beautiful look in your hair that attracts your surrounding people. Read here these tips […]

5 mins read