26 Apr, 2024

Does Makeup Help in Playing The Role Of “Confidence Booster” In Life of A Female?

There are so many factors that are already playing a strong role in making a girl lack her confidence. Sometimes it’s the negligence by the family when you are unable to meet their high expectations resulting in frequently hearing degrading words from their end. This would be quite disappointing and confidence shaky for a girl. […]

5 mins read

Things Not to Do for Good Health & Fitness

Fitness freaks do not recommend certain things. The tale behind not recommendation leads to good health. Don’t attempt these things; they are bad for health. §  Don’t be Addicted. Everyone on this blue planet has some sort of addiction. Some people have good addictions. Addiction to win. Addiction to aesthetics. Addiction to positivity. Addiction to […]

5 mins read

Best Places to Visit in winter in India?

India, home to the world’s oldest civilization, has always been a popular travel destination and attracts thousands of tourists from worldwide. Either you want to cherish the exotic landscapes or look for architectural masterpieces, India has it all! The land is a perfect blend of historically rich signifiers and modern developments. No matter what the […]

4 mins read

Best places to visit in USA on vacations and attractive things to do in Dayton

Dayton, city, seat 1803 of Montgomery district, southwestern Ohio, U.S., found 54 miles upper east of Cincinnati, on a low floodplain of the Great Miami River, at the conversion of the Stillwater and Mad streams and of Wolf Creek. It is the core of a metropolitan region that incorporates the urban communities of Kettering, Miamisburg, […]

10 mins read